U.S. General Accounting Office (GAO) Weighs In on XML

The GAO has examined the use of XML in the U.S. federal government and found present XML initiatives lacking focus and depth. The report itself has some shortcomings -- it focuses unduly on transactions (and scarcely on CM) and federal-wide vocabularies -- but we still think it's a useful clarion call for a higher XML profile in the federal arena. Now if only there was a similarly detailed review of federal CMS efforts. We know of a plethora of federal agencies heading out one-by-one into the marketplace to procure CMS solutions, in some cases like so many little lambs headed to the slaughterhouse...
Read the GAO XML Report (pdf)

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ECM Standards in Perspective

In real life I don't see ECM standards proving particularly meaningful, and you should see them as a relative benefit rather than absolute must-have.