Think you can you stump these consultants?

For the last several years, I've had the honor of hosting our Stump the Consultant panel at the info360: AIIM Expo. This year, in Philadelphia, we'll be doing it once again on April 22 at 12:00pm.

For those of you unfamiliar with this format, the concept is simple. Audience members bring their toughest, thorniest, most intractable content technology conundrum or content management project challenge to the session. A team of experienced consultants will compete to offer you the best advice in 2 minutes or less. The twist, though, is that we'll use noise-canceling headphones to make sure the consultants cannot hear the answers that the other consultants give. So we'll hear clever, insightful, likely controversial, and sometimes entertaining answers to your questions.

The real winner of the session is the audience members. Not only do you get some great consulting advice, the attendee who is deemed to have submitted the toughest problem will win a prize.

This year, we have a new crop of brave consultants to take on our own Alan Pelz-Sharpe. This year, Alan will be joined by:

  • Laurence Hart: Director of Technology Solutions for Washington Consulting, Inc.
  • Greg Clark: Founding Principal of C3 Associates Inc

Stump the Consultant Panelists

We hope you will join us at this session. In the meantime, you can follow Laurence (@piewords), Greg (@GregClarkC3), and Alan (@eiwatch) on Twitter. Feel free to send them some tough questions/challenges as practice!

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ECM Standards in Perspective

In real life I don't see ECM standards proving particularly meaningful, and you should see them as a relative benefit rather than absolute must-have.