ECM3 Maturity Model - Version 2.0

The community commons ECM Maturity Model progressed to v2.0 last week, the first update to the original model. This revision could just as easily been a v1.1 move as in truth most of the changes were corrections and clarifications rather than anything more fundamental. That said, these changes came directly from community members who have used the model and we thank all of you who have sent feedback and suggestions.

In addition to this, today we reached something of a milestone with more than 4000 people coming to download the ECM Maturity Model, a truly remarkable figure when you stop to think about it. The decision to make the original model completely open source and free was definitely the right one, as public and private sector alike have been able to simply download the free PDF without charge or obstacle, and they have definitely done in style!

All of us here at Real Story Group have been practitioners in our own right prior to becoming analysts, and our work is centered solely on helping buyers and end users so the maturity model makes perfect sense. ECM is complex and bewildering at times, and we have seen an enormous need for a tool that quickly helps you get a grip on where you are now and where you need to go in the future.

Progressing the model further remains a challenge though. We have not always be great at following up with the community as we would have liked. For those willing to roll up their sleeves and help, we do welcome you. Frankly the model is not going to progress much further by our efforts alone. That being said, it's in a pretty good state at the moment, and compared to others out there we can be fairly bold in stating that we believe it to be the deepest and most comprehensive available, and we plan to keep it that way - and keep it free.

So, with your help, a more comprehensive Version 3.0 update will come in time. But for now we will have a little celebration at the milestone, and look forward to hearing more of your stories and feedback regarding your use of the model with anticipation.

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