Join me at Internet World in London

The annual Internet World UK event in London is always one of my favorite shows to attend each year. Its primary focus is on internet marketing, so in addition to the core areas we cover such as WCM and DAM, there's a wealth of sessions on e-commerce, search engine marketing, and search engine optimization that I enjoy attending. 

I'll be giving presentations several times during the course of the three days (April 27 - 29) at Earls Court, about the web content management market, digital asset management, and social software, as well as hosting a panel of DAM end-users and consultants. There's also a monthly content management group that meets the last Thursday of each month in London, conveniently falling the same week as the event, and plenty of other opportunities for mingling and talking content technology.

We'll also have a stand at the show, where we are always eager to welcome customers and anyone who's interested in talking about content management. Feel free to e-mail me if you'd like to meet up, and I hope to see you there.  

Our customers say...

"The Web CMS Research is worth every penny!"

Gil, Partner, Cancentric Solutions Inc.
iStudio Canada Inc.

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