Customer Survey Findings - Enterprise Collaboration and Social Software

RSG conducted an online survey during July-August 2014 to obtain practitioner perspective on key enterprise collaboration and social software themes, including common use cases, satisfaction with tools and vendors, implementation patterns, and challenges. The survey included a set of SharePoint-specific questions for organizations using that platform.

The final survey results included a cross-section of organizations drawn from a variety of geographies and industries.

Here's a sneak peek into some of the key take-aways:

  • Enterprise satisfaction with social collaboration technology remains middling overall
  • Traditional collaboration use cases display higher levels of maturity than newer social networking-oriented business scenarios
  • On-premise installations remain the dominant deployment model today, but cloud-based architectures predominate future plans, albeit with somewhat less interest in migrating to Office 365 among SharePoint customers

Survey results indicate less progress and sophistication in enterprise social collaboration initiatives than industry case-studies might suggest; in these still-early days, savvy customers should perform careful technology due diligence and plan comprehensive strategies for success.

RSG Collaboration & Social technology stream subscribers should download the full report with detailed narrative analysis and numerous charts.

If you are a survey respondent and opted to obtain the summary results, you should have already received a link to obtain it (if we missed you, ping us at

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