2017 DAM Reality Check: How fast are vendors and tools evolving?

When committing to a technology purchase, you are committing to a short-term implementation — and a long-term relationship. Both time-frames hold risks. So each year, Real Story Group measures the pace of change in the marketplaces we cover, both from a vendor and a product perspective, and calculates attendant risk profiles for you the buyer.

In each Reality Check chart we plot four dimensions:

  • Size – Relative size and importance of the vendor in the broader technology marketplace
  • Focus on DAM – How much of the vendor’s efforts are focused on DAM: a side activity or sole focus?
  • Vendor Evolution – Weighs the current pace of change of the vendor itself: extent of evolution with the market as well as M&A turbulence
  • Product Development – Weighs the current pace of change for the technology

DAM Reality Check
2017 DAM Marketplace Reality Check. Click to enlarge.

The intersection of the vendor evolution and product development dimensions form nine distinct areas that illustrate each vendor’s overall rate of change — and as you can see, DAM vendors are all over the map this year. Each buyer will rate the importance of these dimensions differently, and I encourage you to explore RSG's interactive tools, which contain dozens more data points. 

If your enterprise is an RSG DAM stream subscriber, just log in to access the complete analysis.


Our customers say...

"The Digital Asset Management Research is a straightforward, comprehensive report that's invaluable to anyone considering or implementing digital asset management. With a no-nonsense approach to evaluating the major vendors and best practices, this report is a true handbook. It's my new bedside reading..."

Faith Robinson, Content Strategist & Industry Thought Leader

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