2017 Digital Asset Management Market Analysis
We've just published RSG's 2017 analysis of the state of DAM, looking in-depth at trends such as agency de-coupling, web-to-print and product information management integrations, as well as image auto-recognition. The advisory paper elucidates how you should be approaching these developments and potentially working them into your plans for 2017 and beyond.
In 2016, Digital Asset Management became more of a “household” term, establishing itself as a cornerstone technology underpinning all digital content distribution. As companies open their silos and start to understand how DAM and its core competency as a metadata engine could be automated — pushing and pulling assets and data to business-critical operations — a fundamental shift in thinking began to take place.
DAM technology now plays a key role in the creation, reuse, and repurposing of concepts, ideas, and content at both the creation and curation stages. DAM’s success is increasingly measured in terms of asset findability and reuse, cost reductions at the agency level and beyond, and a quantitative — as well as qualitative — return on brand investment.
RSG DAM stream subscribers can access the full marketplace analysis immediately. Perhaps your employer already subscribes? Find out how to check.